Meetup Recap
First of all. A thanks to all of you for coming and and those of you who supported the meetup. The meetup wouldn't be what it is without y'all.
Fast meetup facts
95 name badges were taken, Making this the biggest meetup we've had yet.
We had 25 generous sponsors this year
We got to see protos this year! In all shapes and sizes. This was amazingly cool.
5 of our sponsors were there in the flesh
P3D made us some awesome awards again
Well over 100 boards were shown off
I didn't take enough pictures. Other people did. The links for those albums are below.
The future/what's next
Based on the feedback I got on the form a few things are for sure going to be changing for next year.
The venue
Lake Monster is great, the beer, the staff, the space, *HOWEVER* we've just outgrown the space, it's loud, it's a bit cramped for all of us, etc. This isn't to say there might not be a smaller meetup there at some point but the *big* meetup we have for the year, will be at a different venue
It's coming back, while logistically a pain, the juice is definitely worth the squeeze on this one.
Voting Categories
More categories and more varied categories
Raffle Format
With a different venue, I will be able to do the raffle in a different way that
Doesn't take as much time
Is a lot more efficient/the meetup wont' have to stop
Will not rely *solely* on your ability to hear me scream into a small PA
Dedicated Vendor space
I haven't decided quite how this is going to be implemented but let's face it, people like Jack(Pikatea), P3D, and others have a lot of cool things to show off, having an area dedicated to that with a little bit of room for people to stretch out would be fantastic.
In addition to this, Goat is also going to get his own space, how dope is that switch collection Can you believe this guy moved out of MN, psh
Some form of "grouping" if people so choose.
An area for TKL's, 40's, etc.
A non voting competition
Guessing, typing, something ing, don't know yet, but there will be something
With all that being said, next year may have a small ticket price. We will do our best to keep it cheap either through sponsor offsets or other means but real venues cost real money and that's just a fact.